Students get ready to set ‘SAIL’ from Tallahassee’s alternative high school

via Tallahassee Democrat
By Beth Rogers and Jodi Wilkof

A line of cars Thursday snaked through the drop-off lane at SAIL, the county’s nontraditional high school, as seniors dropped off textbooks and received their caps and gowns for next week’s drive-through graduation.

Though the coronavirus pandemic has prevented usual commencement ceremonies, the faculty and staff at SAIL — the School for Arts and Innovative Learning — made the best of the situation by preparing personalized signs and goody bags for each member of the 2020 graduating class.

To limit contact between students and faculty, items being returned to the school, including laptops and library books, were placed in a bag and handed to a staff member.

After that drop-off, the seniors headed over to the bus ramp where they would pop their trunks to have the gift bags and signs put in by staff members.

SAIL High School health, adulting, and yoga teacher Susanna Denham blows bubbles as seniors pass by in their cars Thursday, May 21, 2020.
Susanna Denham, a SAIL graduate who is now a health, “adulting” and yoga teacher at her alma mater, blew bubbles as seniors passed by. She also wore a sign that read “Sweet friends … I ❤️ U! Go make good choices!”

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